I would like to present you my minimal artwork, ”No bra generation ”, which supports the idea of naturalness and personal comfort above the standards imposed by society.
Be yourself, stop hiding your nipples, because men have them also! Why do they have nipples? Are they breastfeeding? NO. Is breastfeeding something offensive because it's not sexy? I dunno.. Why do men have nipples then?* FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON. (I'm joking, I will insert the explanation few scrolls later..)

Works good on any type of material, so you can take a look at this mock-ups and dm me if you are intrested in any type of print on t-shirts, hoodies, canvas, mugs, notebooks, etc

”Nipples are a vestige of our early days in the womb. Men can't nurse babies, so why on Earth do they have nipples? The answer has to do with how humans develop in the womb, said Ian Tattersall, a paleoanthropologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.” - via
”So by the time a Y chromosome kicks in to distinguish a fetus as male, the nipples have already secured their place.
Some people think of it this way: Everyone starts out as female in their early development in utero.”
- via https://www.healthline.com/